Cultivation discs

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Showing 13–24 of 30 results

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    Talerz do talerzówki 610 mm x 5 mm, uzębiony, 5 otworów, Z-10, stal sprężynowa

    Number: CZR01508,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    Talerze rolnicze EXPARTO do uprawy w technologii uproszczonej przy użyciu agregatów i bron talerzowych. Uwzględniają rodzaj prac polowych czy specyfikę gleby. Gwarantują spokojną i wydajną pracę.

    Quantity Average quantity
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Talerz do talerzówki 610 mm x 5 mm, uzębiony, 6 otworów, Z-10, stal sprężynowa

    Number: CZR01850,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    Talerze rolnicze EXPARTO do uprawy w technologii uproszczonej przy użyciu agregatów i bron talerzowych. Uwzględniają rodzaj prac polowych czy specyfikę gleby. Gwarantują spokojną i wydajną pracę.

    Quantity A large number of
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Talerz uzębiony 460 mm x 4 mm, 4 otwory, Z-20, stal borowa ARES

    Number: CZR01968,
    Manufacturer: ROLMEX

    Talerz Z-20 typ ARES

    Quantity A large number of
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Toothed disc 460 mm x 3.5 mm, 6 holes, Z-9, carbon steel

    Number: CZR00867,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    EXPARTO agricultural discs for cultivation in simplified technology using aggregates and disc harrows. They take into account the type of field work or the specifics of the soil. They guarantee quiet and efficient operation.

    Quantity Small amount
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Toothed disc 510 mm x 3.5 mm, 6 holes, Z-10, carbon steel

    Number: CZR00717,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    EXPARTO agricultural discs for cultivation in simplified technology using aggregates and disc harrows. They take into account the type of field work or the specifics of the soil. They guarantee quiet and efficient operation.

    Quantity A large number of
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Toothed disc 510mm x 3.5mm, 5 holes, Z-10, carbon steel

    Number: CZR01213,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    EXPARTO agricultural discs for cultivation in simplified technology using aggregates and disc harrows. When choosing discs, both the machine manufacturer and the user are guided by more than just the type of machine. They take into account the type of field work or the specifics of the soil. EXPARTO discs are ideal for aggregates over 3m wide, disc harrows under 3m wide, and disc plows. They guarantee quiet and efficient operation.

    We recommend EXPARTO discs for disc harrows, shell harrows , forestry harrows, cultivators, disc plows and stubble cultivators (grubbers), seeding units, seeders, hybrid units.

    Quantity A large number of
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Toothed disc 560 mm x 4 mm, 6 holes, Z-10, carbon steel

    Number: CZR00296,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    EXPARTO agricultural discs for cultivation in simplified technology using aggregates and disc harrows. They take into account the type of field work or the specifics of the soil. They guarantee quiet and efficient operation.

    Quantity A large number of
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Toothed disc 560 mm x 6 mm, 4 holes, Z-10, carbon steel

    Number: CZR01187,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    EXPARTO agricultural discs for cultivation in simplified technology using aggregates and disc harrows. They take into account the type of field work or the specifics of the soil. They guarantee quiet and efficient operation.

    Quantity A large number of
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Toothed disc 610 mm x 5 mm, 6 holes, Z-10, carbon steel

    Number: CZR01248,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    EXPARTO agricultural discs for cultivation in simplified technology using aggregates and disc harrows. They take into account the type of field work or the specifics of the soil. They guarantee quiet and efficient operation.

    Quantity A large number of
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Smooth plate 510 mm x 3.5 mm, square 30×30, carbon steel

    Number: CZR00122,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    EXPARTO agricultural discs for cultivation in simplified technology using aggregates and disc harrows. They take into account the type of field work or the specifics of the soil. They guarantee quiet and efficient operation.

    Quantity No
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Toothed disc 460 mm x 3.5 mm, 4 holes, Z-9, carbon steel

    Number: CZR01279,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    EXPARTO agricultural discs for cultivation in simplified technology using aggregates and disc harrows. They take into account the type of field work or the specifics of the soil. They guarantee quiet and efficient operation.

    Quantity No
    Shipping within: 24 godzin
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    Toothed disc 460 mm x 3.5 mm, square 30×30, Z-9, carbon steel

    Number: CZR00118,
    Manufacturer: EXPARTO

    EXPARTO agricultural discs for cultivation in simplified technology using aggregates and disc harrows. They take into account the type of field work or the specifics of the soil. They guarantee quiet and efficient operation.

    Quantity No
    Shipping within: 24 godzin

Cultivation discs
are components of
disc harrows
disc harrows, aggregates and ploughs
. They are perfect for growing in simplified technology. Thanks to them, loosening the soil and its
kneading and compacting
will be much easier – as will
stimulating the growth of volunteer seeds
removal of weeds
Or performing many other activities. To choose the right model of cultivation discs for you, pay attention to the following.
soil specifics
, type of field work and of course
the type of equipment
, in which they will be used.