Plough parts
Lemiesz do pługa 4-skibowy z dziobem PR48 Unia stal borowa
136.16 złNumber: CZR01996,Manufacturer: Agro-interstarLemiesz z dziobem 4 skibowy
136.16 złQuantity Average quantityShipping within: 24 godzin -
147.00 złQuantity Average quantityShipping within: 24 godzin
147.00 złQuantity Average quantityShipping within: 24 godzin
Lemiesz do pługa Kuhn prawy stal borowa
Number: CZR02531,Manufacturer: Agro-interstarLemiesz prawy Kuhn
175.00 złQuantity Small amountShipping within: 24 godzin -
135.00 złQuantity Average quantityShipping within: 24 godzin
136.30 złQuantity Small amountShipping within: 24 godzin
Lemiesz do pługa lewy 16″ Vogel&Noot
Number: CZR02530,Manufacturer: Agro-interstarLemiesz lewy Vogel Noot
145.00 złQuantity Small amountShipping within: 24 godzin -
135.00 złQuantity Small amountShipping within: 24 godzin
145.00 złQuantity Small amountShipping within: 24 godzin
Lemiesz do pługa prawy 16″ Vogel&Noot
Number: CZR02529,Manufacturer: Agro-interstarLemiesz prawy Vogel Noot
145.00 złQuantity Small amountShipping within: 24 godzin -
Lemiesz do pługa trapez Cz/112 Unia stal borowa
Number: CZR01999,Manufacturer: Agro-interstarLemiesz trapez
130.00 złQuantity Average quantityShipping within: 24 godzin -
Lemiesz do pługa z dłutem lewy PO389 Ibis Unia
Number: CZR01998,Manufacturer: Agro-interstarLemiesz z dłutem
185.00 złQuantity Average quantityShipping within: 24 godzin
Plowing doesn’t have to be a big challenge.
All you need to do is take care of high-quality plow parts.
You will find them in our offer. We have prepared a range of products from reputable manufacturers that includes, among others: blades, chisels, skids, ploughshares and breastplates for agricultural ploughs.
Skompletujesz u nas części robocze maszyny i usprawnisz prowadzenie prac w gospodarstwie rolnym.
Poznaj naszą ofertę i zainwestuj w wysoką jakość.
What should be the characteristics of plow parts?
Every plow part offered at EXPARTO is verified for its quality of workmanship and potential for use in agriculture.. All this is done in order to get your hands on a product that meets the highest market standards. Good quality parts such as chisels, plowshares, plowshares and plow breasts, among others, are made from carefully selected raw materials and components. As a result are characterized by high operating strength and are adapted to work in difficult conditions on the farm.
Ponadto dobrej jakości części do pługów rolniczych pozbawione są ewentualnych wad fabrycznych.
W trakcie eksploatacji sprzętu zwracaj uwagę na jego stan techniczny i jeżeli jest to konieczne, przeprowadzaj niezbędne prace naprawcze i serwisowe.
How to take care of plow parts?
The life and performance of a plow is affected by proper care of its working parts.
After operation, they should be thoroughly cleaned and maintained.
In addition, dedicated anti-corrosion preparations are used for metal parts. Also remember to keep the plow and its replacement parts under a canopy and in a room with adequate ventilation.
Nadmierna wilgoć może przyspieszyć procesy korozyjne i generować dodatkowe koszty.
Parts for agricultural plows – get to know EXPARTO’s offer
We are well aware of the challenges faced by today’s farmers.
Some of them involve ways to efficiently and cost-effectively cultivate fields. The quality of wear parts for agricultural plows determines whether plowing is carried out efficiently and safely.
Właśnie dlatego posiadamy w ofercie szeroki wybór różnego rodzaju części do pługów. They come from respected manufacturers and are characterized by high quality workmanship.
W naszym asortymencie znajdziesz
Akpil, Vogel & Noot left-hand plough chisel;
Akpil, Vogel & Noot right-hand plough chisel;
Kuhn plough chisel left;
Kuhn right-hand plough chisel;
Overum blade chisel;
blade 1023 reinforced widened plow Union, Atlas;
Kuhn plough blade left;
Kuhn plough blade right;
1023 UNIA helical ploughshare;
1023 UNIA screw plow breast.
Before finalizing the transaction, read the exact technical specifications of the selected parts and which machines they fit.
If you have any doubts, consult with our expert.
Based on many years of experience, we will guide you through the purchasing process. Together with EXPARTO you will take care of efficient and safe plowing and optimize your farming costs.